With the sleep classifications from GGIR part 4 as discussed in the previous chapter it is now possible to segment the recording into waking periods and sleeping periods. With this segmentation we can do a time-use analysis for both periods. The main purpose of GGIR part 5 is to facilitate this.
Creating a multi-variate time series object
As a first step we need to map out what happens when during the recording. Here, the GGIR code combines the information derived in parts 2, 3 and 4 into a multi-variate single time series object, including:
- Timestamp
- A log of when data was classified as invalid.
- Average acceleration as derived in GGIR part 2, where invalid epochs
are imputed and only the acceleration metric is used as specified with
. - Sleep classifications from GGIR part 3 and 4. Behavioural class code, which GGIR part 5 derives the behavioural classes based on the magnitude of acceleration and sleep classification.
The exact number of behavioural classes as codified depends on how parameters are set, but constructed and codified as:
During the sleep period time window: - Sleep - Wakefulness with low acceleration - Wakefulness with moderate acceleration - Wakefulness with vigorous acceleration
During the waking hours of the day: - Inactivity unbouted - Inactivity bouted, subdivided into one or multiple bout durations - Total inactivity time - LIPA unbouted - LIPA bouted, subdivided into one or multiple bout durations - Total LIPA time - Moderate activity unbouted - Vigorous activity unbouted - MVPA bouted, subdivided into one or multiple bout durations - Total MVPA time
It is possible to export the time series generated, which will be discussed towards the end of this chapter.
Defining the time windows
In GGIR part 2 we defined days from midnight to midnight, and in GGIR part 4 we typically defined nights from noon to noon. With the access to sleep timing, GGIR part 5 offers additional definitions of a day. However, given that our definitions of a day are becoming very different from a calendar day, we refer to them as windows in the data.
GGIR part 5 facilitates the following time window definitions, which
can be selected with parameter timewindow
Timewindow | Meaning | Definition |
“MM” | midnight to midnight | Each day is defined as the 24 hours starting and ending a calendar
day (by default midnight, but modifiable with the parameter
dayborder ). |
“WW” | waking up to waking up | Each day is defined as the time from the participant wakes up a given day to the time they wake up the next day. |
“OO” | sleep onset to sleep onset | Each day is defined as the time from the sleep onset a given day to the sleep onset of the next day. |
Defining segments within the MM window
By default GGIR segments a window in waking hours of the day
(referred to as day
) and the sleep period time window
(referred to as spt
). Additionally, when timewindow is set
to “MM”, day segment specific analysis are performed based on the
segments as defined by parameters qwindow
. Please see the
annex on day segmentation for more information.
Metrics calculated per window and per segment
GGIR provides the following metrics over the time windows calculated,
i.e., full day, awake time, sleep period time, as well as (optionally)
the day segments that might have been provided via the parameter
- Duration: Time spent in minute per behavioural class.
- Acceleration: Average acceleration per behavioural class
- Number of blocks: Number of blocks per behavioural class, where a distinction is made between bouted and unbouted, except for the total number of blocks per intensity levels (Nblocks_day_total_IN, Nblocks_day_total_LIPA, Nblocks_day_total_MOD, and Nblocks_day_total_VIG).
- Number of bouts: Number of bouts per behavioural class.
- Fragmentation: The fragmentation metrics as discussed in the previous chapter. Here no distinction is made between bouted or unbouted behavour. Note that fragmentation classes sometimes group multiple intensity levels, e.g. the fragmentation of physical activity reflects the fragmentation of LIPA and MVPA combined relative to Inactive time.
Complementary variables
If your primary interest is on sleep research then we recommend you to work with the GGIR part 4 reports. However, for those who want to look at interactions between behaviour and sleep, GGIR part 5 reports include sleep estimates as used for the part 5 analysis. Note that in part 5 the criteria for sleep estimate inclusion are different than for part 4. In part 5 we are happy with any estimate, even if the accelerometer was not worn during the night.
Additionally, part 5 will also come with the duration of the awake time, the sleep period time, the full-day windows, and percentage of non-wear (read invalid data, which is typically non-wear).
Seemingly overlapping variables between GGIR part 2 and part 5 output
As it might be noticed, there are some variables that are reported in both GGIR part 2 and part 5, such as the average acceleration and the bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. However, please note that their values are not necessarily identical for the following reasons:
Times when MVPA can happen . In part 2 MVPA can happen at any time in the day, but never overlap with midnight. In part 5 MVPA only happens during the waking hours of a single day, but can overlap with midnight if midnight is not part of the sleep period time window. For those of you who use the
parameter with a value not equal to zero: midnight in this scenario is not actually midnight but the time you set with parameterdayborder
, e.g. 2 equates to 2am. .Difference in epoch length. GGIR part 5 comes with the possibility to aggregate the epochs to 60 seconds with the parameter
. If this parameter is set to TRUE, then the full time series will be aggregated to 60 seconds, in contrast to the default 5 second epoch length used in part 2.Different time window definition. GGIR part 2 always uses the “MM” definition of the days. In GGIR part 5, you have the option to define the days in different ways (see above).
Exporting time series
To export the time series set parameter
save_ms5rawlevels = TRUE
. GGIR part 5 will then store them
in a subfolder of meta/ms5.outraw
where each subfolder is
named after the unique MVPA threshold combination used.
The behavioral classes are included as numbers, the legend for these classes numbers is stored as a separate legend file in the meta/ms5.outraw folder named “behavioralcodes2020-04-26.csv” where the date will correspond to the date you ran GGIR.
Note that the time series exported in GGIR part 5 only includes the
acceleration metric as specified with parameter acc.metric
(default = “ENMO”), and if angle metrics are selected, the angle
metrics. If you want to explore multiple acceleration metric values,
please see documentation for parameter epochvalues2csv
discussed in chapter 3.
Additional input parameters that may be of interest:
is a character string to specify how data should be stored: either “csv” (default) or “RData”. Only used if save_ms5rawlevels=TRUE. -
is Boolean to indicate whether to remove invalid days from the time series output files. Only used if save_ms5rawlevels=TRUE.
Column name | Description |
timenum | Time stamp in UTC time format (i.e., seconds since 1970-01-01). To
convert timenum to time stamp format, you need to specify your desired
time zone, e.g.,
as.POSIXct(mdat$timenum, tz = "Europe/London") . |
ACC | Average acceleration metric selected by acc.metric ,
default = “ENMO”. |
SleepPeriodTime | Is 1 if SPT is detected, 0 if not. Note that this refers to the combined usage of guider and detected sustained inactivity bouts (rest periods). |
invalidepoch | Is 1 if epoch was detect as invalid (e.g. non-wear), 0 if not. |
guider | Number to indicate what guider type was used, where 1=sleeplog, 2=HDCZA, 3=swetwindow, 4=L512, 5=HorAngle, 6=NotWorn |
window | Numeric indicator of the analysis window in the recording. If timewindow = “MM” then these correspond to calendar days, if timewindow = “WW” then these correspond to which wakingup-wakingup window in the recording, if timewindow = “OO” then these correspond to which sleeponset-sleeponset window in the recording. So, in a recording of one week you may find window numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. |
class_id | The behavioural class codes are documented in the exported csv file meta/ms5outraw/behaviouralcodes.csv. Class codes above class 8 will be analysis specific, because it depends on the number time variants of the bouts used. For example, if you look at MVPA lasting 1-10, 10-20, 30-40 then all of them will have their own class_id. In behaviouralcodes.csv you will find a column with class_names which match the behavioural classes as reported in the part 5 report. |
invalid_fullwindow | Percentage of the window (see above) that represents invalid data, included to ease filtering the timeseries based on whether windows are valid or not. |
invalid_sleepperiod | Percentage of SPT within the current window that represents invalid data. |
invalid_wakinghours | Percentage of waking hours within the current window that represents invalid data. |
timestamp | Time stamp derived from converting the column timenum, only
available if save_ms5raw_format = TRUE . |
angle | anglez by default. If sensor.location = "hip" or
HASPT.algo = "HorAngle" then angle represents the angle for
the longitudinal axis as provided by argument longitudinal_axis or
estimated if no angle was provided. If more angles were extracted in
part 1 then these will be add with their letter appended. |
lightpeak | If lux sensor data is available in the data file then it was
summarised at an epoch length defined by the second value of parameter
windowsizes (defaults to 900 seconds = 15 minutes), to add
this value to the time series it is interpolated, so the original time
resolution is not necessarily reflected in this column. |
temperature | If temperature was available in the data file then it was summarised
at an epoch length defined by the second value of parameter
windowsizes (defaults to 900 seconds = 15 minutes), to add
this value to the time series it is interpolated, so the original time
resolution is not necessarily reflected in this column. |
Key arguments
Related output
In https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/GGIR/vignettes/GGIR.html#43_Output_part_5 you will find a detailed discussion of the part 5 output. In summary, part 5 produces the following files. - Day level summary - Person level summary - Day level summary of behaviour per segment of a day - analysis - Person level summary of behaviour per segment of a day - Variable dictionary (see below) - Time series - Pdf reports with vsiualisation
Variables dictionary
Considering the different time window segmentation options, the number of metrics calculated, and the different aggregation strategies (i.e., plain averages, weighted averages, and -optionally- weekday and weekend-day averages), the number of variables exported in Part 5 can be high. To help you with the understanding and interpretation of the variables, GGIR Part5 exports a variable dictionary for the daysummary and personsummary csv reports. The dictionaries include a list of the variable names calculated in your analyses together with the definition of the variables.